Those That Remain by Rob Ashman #BookReview

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Those that remain is the first book in The Mechanic trilogy after reading all the rave reviews I have finally jumped on the bandwagon by bumping it up my to be read pile and now I can see why everyone is raving about it.
The story starts off in Tallahassee Florida March 1983.... (I do love a crime thriller set in the US) where we are introduced to Lucas. The story flicks between Lucas and The Mechanic following Lucas on his hunt to catch The Mechanic after three years ago thinking he was dead. Boy how wrong was they! Mechanic is very much alive and no family is safe from the savage, ritualistic murders that the sadistic killer is compelled to commit.
This is one dark and twisted sadistic killer yes this book isn't for the faint hearted.It very horrific and will definitely make you squirm. But this is the kind of story I like and although it sounds wrong I do love the killing techniques in this story.The author's descriptions give you that tense heart pounding feeling.
I have to say the only thing I didn't like was the repetitive use of the word The Mechanic.Having said that it is used to keep the killer's Identity a secret and to keep the reader guessing who it is.
Now I can't wait to get stuck into the next book In your Name after the story has left me waiting more. This is a cracking debut novel which I couldn't read fast enough. Which I highly recommend giving it 4 stars.
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