The Honeymoon by Tina Seskis #Review

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
First of I have to say how lush cover is that cover it makes you want to dive in and that's exactly how I felt about reading this book. It is perfect for the story that Tina Seskis takes us on. Weaving a story that will have you hooked from start to finish and keep you guessing until the end. OMG what a compelling read….I loved it.
Imagine planning your perfect honeymoon….A fortnight's retreat to a five star resort in the Maldives Complete with luxury villas, personal butlers and absolute privacy. Sounds perfect doesn't it?! That perfect Honeymoon turns into a nightmare when your husband disappears off the island without a trace! This is exactly what happens to Jemma in this well crafted page turner.
It is one of those books where you say just one page and before you know it bosher you have hit the ending….and wow what an ending it is.
I loved how the the tension builds up throughout the story told with alternating chapters with Jemma telling us what's happening now. Before the honeymoon and seven years earlier. So we get a good character build up. And layering the story up for what's to come. The whole time all I wanted to know was, what happened to Jemma’s husband.
To start with I felt sorry for Jemma I mean who wouldn't but has the plot thickens I wasn't sure to think of of her and not knowing if I could trust her.
This is one very clever well written story that is full of suspense, it is simply brilliant
I cannot recommend it enough giving it 5 massive stars. This is a must read for psychological thriller fans.
Thank you to Tina Seskis for a copy in exchange for a honest review.
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