Blood Daughter by Dreda Say Mitchell #BookReview

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
OMG what a brilliant ending to a gripping and fantastic trilogy…I couldn't wait to get my teeth into this beauty after Blood Mother left me hanging. Lucky for me I only had to wait six months which was long enough to catch up with the Miller family Woo hoo.
Blood Daughter is the third and final book in the flesh and blood trilogy which I recommend you read in order.
Telling a story of Bab’s coming into some money that she plans to share with her daughters. Sounds simple doesn't it? But this is the Miller’s and nothing is ever simple when it comes to money because it always causes trouble with them. So you have Jen who wants to make a better life for her kids. Tiff who owes a lot of bad men a lot of money. And Dee is worried that her husband is getting back into the criminal life. As the sisters fall out, a gold bullion heist brings more opportunities - and many more dangers. None of them are giving up without a fight...
With an OMG prologue, the story told in two parts. The first part we are taken back to a month ago in the year 2006 so read what happens before the grand finally in part two. Where I lost track of how many times I said OMG...NO WAY. Talk about nail biting stuff with plenty of twists and turns that I didn't see coming. Dreda Mitchell has certainly doesn't disappoint she has totally nailed it.
Babs has got to be my favourite character she is strong and independent and will do anything to her protect her family. Dreda has brought every character to life and made them so real. Like always you will either like them or hate them...but the bad guys are meant to be hated aren't they?!
I love how Dreda has wrote this story where we have a lot going on and the chapters alternate with different characters stories with each each leaving you wanting more. This is without a doubt a page turner, everything is nicely woven together after building up all the layers and teasing us. After reading all three books everything finally falls into place and all the questions I was left with previously are all nicely wrapped up and answered…... Simply brilliant!
This is one trilogy you really don't want to miss. Fans of Kimberly Chambers and Mandasue Heller will love it. I cannot recommend it enough giving it 5 massive stars.
Thank you to Dreda Mitchell for a copy in exchange for a honest review. Keep up the good work Dreda.
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