Cruel Secrets by Kerry Barnes

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Crikey I actually don't know where to start with this review. After reading the Vincent trilogy and loving it Kerry takes her writing skills to a whole new level with Cruel Secrets. I can only imagine for the author it can be very nerve racking bringing out a new novel after the last one has done so well. But has a reader I found myself nervous and excited at the same time. thinking will I enjoy it, will I like the characters etc. But I was confident enough to read this without reading the blurb. Knowing what a fantastic writer Kerry is and whatever happened I knew there would be no chance of me disliking it. But OMFG what a book… I am actually blown away by how good it is. It is definitely a corker Kerry needs to give herself a pat on the back. She is without a doubt right up there with authors like Kimberly Chambers and Dreda Mitchell.
So here I am back from work and has always the first thing I do is put the kettle on. Well I decided to make a start and read one chapter while having my brew.That was it, I was totally sucked into Kelly’s world. I kept saying to myself just one more chapter then before I knew it I had devoured it. Talk about grabbing you round the throat and not letting you go until the very end! This is without a doubt one of those books.
Cruel Secrets takes us into a sinister world of the unknown full of secrets and lies. Kerry brings us fresh new characters and a totally new original story line. It is full of real life likable characters and the bad guys are badder than bad. Eddie Raven is just vile but makes it a gritty read. Kelly had it tough when she was a kid and the more I read the more I liked her. She is a really well developed character and goes from strength to strength has the story unfolds.
This is jam packed with twists and turns and plenty of OMG moments. You cannot resist turning the page to find out what is to happen next.
Kerry has an incredible gift of making the reader feel very emotion the character is feeling. One minute I am on the edge of my seat say NO WAY then I am overwhelmed with sadness. Yes Kerry made me cry again.
Cruel Secrets is without a doubt one of my top reads this year. Which I cannot recommend enough giving it a very well deserved 5 stars
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