Broken Bones by Angela Marsons #Review

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I am a big fan of Angela’s writing and I have been for quite some time...In fact it was before I started my blog. You always know that you are in for a treat when a new Kim Stone book is coming out.This series just goes from strength to strength and she always brings us something new. I love the fact that the stories are set in the Black Country and in this story we visit places that are right on my doorstep. It's hard to believe that she couldn't get a book deal for years!
Angela Marsons wants to be really proud of herself because she has done us Black Country folk proud and nailed it yet again with this latest installment of Kim Stone Broken Bones is Fan-Flippin-Tastic.
With an opening that will will have you gripped from start to finish. I devoured it in a matter of hours I simply couldn't put it down taking us on one hell of a rollercoaster ride has we follow two investigations. One which brings her face to face with her horrific childhood.
Angela writes about some uncomfortable subject matters with some dark and gritty scenes in this story. Which are handled really well with sensitivity in her writing you can feel the emotion of the characters.
Not only do we get to know more about Kim’s past but Stacey stood out more for me in this story. Kim has a brilliant team around her and the characters are so real they jump out of the pages.
I was literally on the edge of my seat with anticipation wanting to know what was going to happen next. There are plenty of OMG moments that’s for sure. This is without a doubt top quality writing has well has a top quality story.
I cannot wait to see what is next for Kim in the next book. This is a must read which I cannot recommend enough giving it 5 massive stars.
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