Bad Little Girl by Frances Vick

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Oh My Days.....What a Book!
Frances Vick took me right back to my school days with this story, Where we first meet Claire and Lorna. There is always that one really nice teacher isn't there? In this story it is Claire Penny teacher of Lorna Bell. Claire notices that Lorna needs new school shoes and her hair is matted. Then things get worse when she notices Lorna's bruises and to tries to uncover the story behind them. while their friendship grows Claire protects Lorna by keeping her out of arms way until Marianne enters their lives and things take another turn.
I was totally captivated by this story that I ended up burning my tea LOL I cannot begin to tell you what an engrossing read this is. From the start I had no idea where the story was going I couldn't put it down. and found myself finishing it in no time at all.
The author certainly knows how to keep you on tender hooks that's for sure. This is full of twists and turns and I will admit that I worked a out but never the less I just had to keep reading to see if I had guessed correctly. But OMG the second part of the story took a turn that I didn't see coming at all, which totally turned things round what a roller coaster ride I was taken on.
I loved Claire even though she could be a little to nice at times. And Lorna well to start with I felt really sorry for her but has the story unfolds her spoiled brat side started to shine through and she did really start to get on my nerves.
What more can I say but this book will certainly keep you on the edge of your seat. This is a must read for Psychological thriller fans, which I highly recommend giving it 5 massive stars.
Grab your copy now for only 99p from Amazon
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