Holding out for a Hero by Victoria Van Tiem

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
If you're a fan of the eighties like myself you are going to love holding out for an hero. I was drawn to this book by the Title holding out for a hero by bonnie tyler is just an epic and all time favourite song of mine. I have to say this is my first book by victoria van tiem and definitely won't be my last. I absolutely loved it and laughed from start to finish.
Libby london lives her life though the eighties this is the decade libby fell in love and its holding her back from life and love or so her friends think. With Libby's 33rd birthday approaching so they decide to stage an #80sIntervention to get Libby up to date. To start with I was actually questioning why her friends would want Libby to change but we learn that its because they care and want libby to be happy. This book has got eighties decade written all over it. With Libby owning a Vintage shop selling all kinds of memorabilia such has music and clothes,which she also wore. The idea of the intervention is to give libby a makeover and for her to go on dates with a series of different dates, which surprisingly Libby agrees to I was crying with laughter when libby woke up at Jaspers it really did crack me up.
I loved how the chapters are titles of eighties records and movies this really did take me back in time. This is a fun and witty chick lit with lots of out loud scenes. I read this in two sitting the author's writing kept me wanting more. I am looking forward to reading more of Victoria's books
If you're looking for a fun. laugh out loud chit lit this is the book for you which I highly recommend and I am giving it 4 stars.
Thank you to Macmillan and netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review
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