Angel: A DCI Ryan Mystery by L.J. Ross

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
After devouring the last two books of this series I swiftly moved on to LJ Ross latest one Angel and yet again sure has hell doesn't disappoint . This series simply gets better and better I cant tell you how much I love this series and Angel is the best one to date even though all four are brilliant.
The Prologue starts off in Easter 1990 off a stunning description of a girl escaping down through a tiny bathroom window and shimming down a drain pipe and falling to her death.Then we fast forward twenty six year later to serial killer! with one eerie description......yet again I was hooked. DCI Ryan is looking forward to spending time with his fiancee over Easter weekend and finds himself called out to out to a crime scene at one of the largest cemeteries in Newcastle. The body of a redheaded woman has been found buried in a shallow grave and the killer has given her wings, like an angel. Panic spreads like wildfire with bodies appearing in the cemetery. And DCI Ryan must find the killer before he strikes again.
With one tense start I just couldn't put this book down and devoured it in one afternoon. This is a page-turner and a half. Like all of the Ryan Mystery books the authors writing is very atmospheric but I found this one more dark and gritty. LJ Ross has certainly upped her game with this very well crafted story.
And yet again I found this what I call an easy read and keeps you guessing until the end And wow what an ending I seriously cant wait for the next installment. This can be read has a standalone but I would recommend reading has a series.....its a fabulous one not to read.
Would love to see this has a TV drama its just brilliant. LJ Ross has certainly hit my favourite author list along with this book being on the list for my top reads for 2016.
If you haven't tried any this authors books you definitely wont be disappointed. I highly recommend this book giving it a very well deserved 5 stars.
Thank you to LJ Ross for an early copy in exchange for an honest review.
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