April Skies by Ian Ayris

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Wow, Wow, Wow what can I say but I absolutely loved this book it's freaking amazing!!! and to top it off I have found myself a new author.
Set in Bethnal Green,East London 1991 we meet Ex-con John Sissons who is totally out of look. having no job and no friends.until one day things change, he gets a job in a factory. But has time goes on he realises he didn't get this job by accident with a past exploding in front of his eyes. John needs to run but after a lifetime of running it is no longer an option. Then his sister goes missing, John knows its only a matter of time before they come for him....
An East End tale to tear your heart out...
This story is gritty with a capital G. The tension is built up has we follow John on an emotional roller-coaster journey.I devoured it in one night, I simply couldn't put it down.
I must point out that this is the second book in the John Sissons series which can easily be read has a standalone. And now i am dying to read Abide With Me because I want to know more about JOHN!
For me I found this story very believable with everyday characters. Do be warned there is plenty of bad language which might offend some readers, if that's not your thing. But for me I found it very fitting with the story line. April Skies ticks all the boxes for me and without a doubt definitely my cup of tea.
If your looking for a gritty page turner, I highly recommend this giving it 5 massive stars.
Thank you to the author for a copy in exchange for a honest review.
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